Link Controller



Spectronix has captured the excitement and action of slot tournaments with its real time linked tournament system. First in the market with a linked, real time tournament system, TournaMax aims at making your slot tournaments more fun and memorable.

Spectronix linked tournament system supports a vast number of options and features that no other manufacturer offers. Combine this fact with our ability to fully customize your tournament games art and theme, Spectronix tournament links are state of the art.

Spectronix link tournament systems now support TournaMax ES, a full featured tournament management system. The TournaMax ES data software makes setting up, organizing and operating a tournament a snap. It also manages and produces your tournament data results quickly and accurately.

TournaMax link supports real-time displays for overhead and in-game mounting. It also supports tournament toppers, with exciting features such as edge light leader indicators and fully coordinated tournament start and stop modes. TournaMax supports your existing S2000 or S-Slot+ games, meaning you don’t have to invest in expensive games to get an exciting linked tournament package.

If you are a gaming equipment OEM, and you would like your games to support our exciting TournaMax system, please contact us at

Let Spectronix set up your next tournament. Give Spectronix a call today!